SVMI Senior Volunteers for Migrant Integration
Project's website:
Materiaalit Suomeksi, katso kohta Publications SVMI
Social and Civic Integration Tool for immigrants
Social and civic integration tool – guide for migrants and refugees in App format accessible at helping them to acquire basic knowledge and understanding about the host country's sociocultural life; containing a basic conversation kit with animation in partner languages and English.
Training programme
Methodology and a 20 hour Training Programme for senior volunteers providing support for migrant and refugee integration. Available in English, Lithuanian, German, French, Greek and Finnish.
Training material
Training material for teaching senior volunteers. Available in English, German, Lithuanian, Finnish, French and Greek.
Newsletter 4: Open newsletter here
Uutiskirje 4 suomeksi: Avaa uutiskirje tästä
Multiplier event in Raseko, Raisio 27.9 and 30.9.2019.
Conference and 5th meeting in Vilnius, 13th September 2019
Final International Conference in Vilnius 12th September 2019
Anmiro organised national multiplier event in Raisio 22.8.2019
Local newspaper Rannikkoseutu published an interview 20th September 2019
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